Wednesday, August 18, 2010



  Ahem! So finally a candy review! A few days ago, my brothers and me went on a road trip to spend the day with his girlfriend before she went back home (faaar away). She's adorable, amazing, and I just love her. :P

  On the way home we stopped at a gas station to get drinks, and I saw the most curious looking candy. o.o Kazoozles made by Wonka! I like lots of Wonka candy. Except maybe Donutz. Eww. So I bought them!

  As soon as I got back into the car, I excitedly tore open the package!! (I get way too excited about candy. . .) Artificial cherry flavor scent exploded through the car. The package has two licorice sticks inside about as thick as my index finger.

When you bite into them, the licorice is the oddest rubbery texture. Which sounds bad. . . but I love it!! The filling is like powdered blue sweet tarts mixed into a gummy paste. It's a little bit grainy. It's the most intriguing textural adventure.The cherry flavor of the licorice and the sour punch flavor of the filling are tasty together. I tried splitting the licorice and eating out the filling which is more sour and tasty alone, but the rope isn't so good without the filling.

  I shared the package with my brothers, which was good because today I ate one by myself and got a stomach ache. So be advised, it's a good idea to save one for later or split the package instead of eating them both at once!

  I don't think Kazoozles are for everyone. But they are definitely for me. XD Thanks for reading! <3

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