Thursday, May 6, 2010

Omnomnomnom. . .

   I'm such an absolute genius that I somehow deleted my blog posts? I have no idea how that happened, but oh well. . . I was able to recover them by checking the web cache! I felt a little bit less stupid then.

  On Tuesday I had to go to the Orthodontist's to get a new retainer! I'm so irresponsible with it, I manage to lose it all the time and I don't know how I do it. My brother said to me, "----, there are only two-no, three places your retainer should ever be. In your mouth. In the case. Or in your hand moving it from your mouth to the case or the case to your mouth." XD I've thought about some horribly drastic and definitely not fashionable ideas for not losing my retainer like putting it on a necklace or something. If you have one, how do you keep from losing your retainer? 

  Fortunately for me, my incredible Orthodontist likes me so much, he made me a new one for free!! ^0^ I have the feeling this is the last one he'll do that with, though. I've lost two already!

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