Wednesday, August 18, 2010



  Ahem! So finally a candy review! A few days ago, my brothers and me went on a road trip to spend the day with his girlfriend before she went back home (faaar away). She's adorable, amazing, and I just love her. :P

  On the way home we stopped at a gas station to get drinks, and I saw the most curious looking candy. o.o Kazoozles made by Wonka! I like lots of Wonka candy. Except maybe Donutz. Eww. So I bought them!

  As soon as I got back into the car, I excitedly tore open the package!! (I get way too excited about candy. . .) Artificial cherry flavor scent exploded through the car. The package has two licorice sticks inside about as thick as my index finger.

When you bite into them, the licorice is the oddest rubbery texture. Which sounds bad. . . but I love it!! The filling is like powdered blue sweet tarts mixed into a gummy paste. It's a little bit grainy. It's the most intriguing textural adventure.The cherry flavor of the licorice and the sour punch flavor of the filling are tasty together. I tried splitting the licorice and eating out the filling which is more sour and tasty alone, but the rope isn't so good without the filling.

  I shared the package with my brothers, which was good because today I ate one by myself and got a stomach ache. So be advised, it's a good idea to save one for later or split the package instead of eating them both at once!

  I don't think Kazoozles are for everyone. But they are definitely for me. XD Thanks for reading! <3

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Life of a Ghost

Sometimes I feel like I want my life to be over. I don't want to die. I have a lot of things to do with someone before I do, but I feel like. . . I'm living someone else's life. Not mine.

I'm tired of my parents' religion and trying to do the things they want me to. I don't believe they're right and I don't want it. Every time I go out with my siblings or friends, even if it's just shopping, I have to worry that someone from their church is going to see us and make a comment on how someone was dressed, how someone was talking, how someone was acting too immature. . . Or I have to worry that someone's making a new rumor about me to go around because some people enjoy causing trouble for other people. Or someone finding out about my boyfriend, of course. (it really hurts to keep him a secret when I want everyone to know how lucky I am, but I have no choice. . . ) There's so much time I have to waste sitting in their church, trying not to listen to the depressing things they try to repeatedly pound into my head. If I do listen, it can tear me apart and throw me into the blackest hole of despair. You can't even imagine. And I get so stressed out going along with everything, trying to lie low, trying to deal with their sermons, trying to deal with their demeaning looks, and trying to do my assignments. . .

The only thing that has kept me going is my angel. The one thing that makes me hold on. I just want this to be over. I wish he could take me away from here right now. I need to be with him. I need him to hold me and tell me everything will be okay. I'm tired of sitting and waiting for this life to end and mine to begin. I feel like a ghost. I don't really exist in this world and I don't really exist in his, either. . .

I'm aware that I said a lot of things that would need an explanation to be understood. Really I just needed to rant. It's seven A.M. and I still can't sleep. It's safe to say nobody is gonna be up to talk to right now. :x Typing them out, I feel a little better.

I'm sorry that I keep talking about depressing things. This is exactly what I didn't want!! I guess I just started this at a very bad time.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Omnomnomnom. . .

   I'm such an absolute genius that I somehow deleted my blog posts? I have no idea how that happened, but oh well. . . I was able to recover them by checking the web cache! I felt a little bit less stupid then.

  On Tuesday I had to go to the Orthodontist's to get a new retainer! I'm so irresponsible with it, I manage to lose it all the time and I don't know how I do it. My brother said to me, "----, there are only two-no, three places your retainer should ever be. In your mouth. In the case. Or in your hand moving it from your mouth to the case or the case to your mouth." XD I've thought about some horribly drastic and definitely not fashionable ideas for not losing my retainer like putting it on a necklace or something. If you have one, how do you keep from losing your retainer? 

  Fortunately for me, my incredible Orthodontist likes me so much, he made me a new one for free!! ^0^ I have the feeling this is the last one he'll do that with, though. I've lost two already!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Chemistry of a Car Crash

  Everyone's first blog post is always horrible in comparison to their latest ones and becomes even more horrible as the blog progresses and writing skills improve, so be prepared for a bad post! I'm trying really hard not to make it terrible, though. lol

   Remember when Princess Leia disguised herself as Boushh the bounty hunter to save Han?! He couldn't see, and he was like, "Who are you?!" Then Leia took off her helmet and said, "Someone who loves you." Brilliant! I've always wanted the chance to quote it, but I doubt I'll ever get it. Anyway, that's why I gave my blog this name. :) Also because I love a lot of people and will probably love you, too. <3

   I want to give you pictures and tell you all about myself, but that wouldn't be wise. It wouldn't be wise because I also want to be able to tell you anything. Without being judged by my appearance or worrying that my personal thoughts fall into the wrong hands. Maybe one day I can.

  What I will tell you is that I'm a maid, I love my siblings, I love animals, I love delicious food, I love video games, and I love being outside. More than anything, I love my boyfriend. We've been together for 4 years, 7 months in a long distance relationship. . . It's really hard sometimes, but it has always been worth it and I won't give up.

  If you want to know anything else about me, you can ask! Just don't ask things I can't tell you. :P

  I decided to start a blog to tell people mostly about my relationship so maybe they can understand LDRs better. How worthwhile they can be and how they can make you feel. The good and the bad. And about my new life once I move to be with him. That's not all I'll talk about, though!! I'll also tell you about the things that are important to me and things I enjoy (if that's okay with you).

  I like comments a lot, so don't be afraid to do it. ^^ Thanks for listening, everyone.